About Us

About The Department

Welcome to the Department of Zoology!

Department of Zoology was established in 1962. It is one of the six foundation departments in the Faculty of Science and one of the oldest in the entire University. Over the four decades of its existence, the department has undergone series of changes both in status as an academic unit and in its curriculum development. For instance, over the period of 1969 – 1978, the department, in a University-wide reorganization (notably changing from a three-term to a two-semester academic session, and from non- credit to the credit-unit system) became amalgamated with Botany Department to form the then larger Department of Biological Sciences which was later transformed into the Department of Biology.

That Department of Biology eventually split up into two and reverted back to the previous Departments of Botany and Zoology. Most of these changes were accompanied by some revision in the curriculum of the department, at these intervals. Such revisions were made to meet with the changing trends in the subject matter of Zoology (consequent on the rapid advancement in the global frontiers of knowledge) and to enhance the ability of the Department to continue to meet its set objectives even in changing times. With this adaptation, the department has emerged a leading centre of excellence in Nigeria especially in the area of environmental studies.

Prof. O. O. Komolafe
Department of Zoology
Obafemi Awolowo University
Ile-Ife, Nigeria.
H.O.D. Zoology

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a progressive Department that serves as a national centre for Zoology by training undergraduates and graduates who will be leaders in zoological education and research and to energize the public appreciation of animals.

Our Mission

Our mission is to promote research and educate in basic animal biology.


The Strategic Objectives Of The Department Are To:


The Department exposes students to maintain laboratory and field resources.

Provide Courses

Provide courses in Zoology for students of other Departments whose degree options require a working knowledge of Zoology.

Conduct Research

The Department of zoology OAU conducts research in fundamental animal biology and produce graduates with the relevant skills and knowledge necessary for productive research and teaching.

Provide Opportunity

Provide opportunity for students to eventually specialize in any of the core areas of Zoology: Entomology, Physiology, Vertebrate Biology, Genetics, Parasitology Fisheries, Limnology, and Conservation/Ecotoxicology.