AWODIRAN, Michael Olufemi, (Head of Department)

AWODIRAN, Michael Olufemi, (Head of Department)



  1. Thesis/Dissertation:

(i)       Awodiran M.O. (1990): Survey of parasites of Rattus rattus in Obafemi

Awolowo University Campus,  Ile-Ife. B.Sc. Thesis, Obafemi Awolowo

University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. 42p.

(ii)      Awodiran M.O. (2000): DNA hybridization and cytogenetic studies of fish

species Heterobranchus longifilis, Clarias anguillaris and their reciprocal

hybrids.  M.Sc. Thesis,   Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.


(iii)    Awodiran M.O. (2011): Characterisation and phylogenetic studies of land

snails, Archachatina spp. and    Achatina spp. in some parts of South-west,

South-south and North-central states     of Nigeria. Ph.D. Thesis, Obafemi

Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.   131p.

  1. Book/Monographs (List in this order with dates, pages, reference and publisher):

           (i)       Authored: Nil

(ii)      Edited: Nil

  1. Contribution to Books: Nil
  2. Published Journal Articles

(i)         Awodiran, M.O., Aluko P.O. and Adegoke, J.A. (2000): Morphometric characteristics, survival and growth of hybrids between Clarias anguillaris (Linnaeus, 1758) and Heterobranchus longifilis (Valenciennes, 1840). Nigerian Journal of Genetics 15:46-53. (NIGERIA). ISSN 0189-9686.

(ii)        Popoola, M.O., Olaleye, V.F.  and Awodiran, M.O.  (2008): Comparative studies of the genomes of Clarias gariepinus, Heterobranchus bidorsalis, and their hybrid using Hydroxyapatite Chromatography. Ife Journal of Science 10 (1): 77-83. (NIGERIA). ISSN 0794-4896.

(iii)       Akinwande, A., Awodiran, M.O., and Moody, F.O. (2009). Sex reversal in Oreochromis niloticus by egg immersion in 17-α-methyl testosterone. Bioscience Research Communications 21 (2): 51-55. (NIGERIA). ISSN 0795-8072.

(iv)       Majolagbe, F.A., Awodiran, M.O. and Awopetu, J.I. (2012): Electrophoretic studies of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) and Heterobranchus bidorsalis (Geoffroy Saint-Hillaire, 1809) and their hybrids. Ife Journal of Science 14 (1):167-176. (NIGERIA). ISSN 0794-4896.

(v)        Akinwande, A.A. and Awodiran, M.O. (2012): Evaluation of the immuno        stimulatory action of dietary Lactobacillus acidiophilus against Aeromonas          hydrophilia in the giant African catfish; Heterobranchus longilfilis broodstock. Journal of Applied Agricultural Research 4(1): 161-169. (NIGERIA). ISSN 2006-750X.

(vi)       Awodiran, M.O., Olayemi, A.O. and Awopetu, J.I. (2012): Morphometric Studies of Land snails, Archachatina marginata (Swainson, 1821) in some South- West, South-South and North-Central States of Nigeria. International Journal of Academic Research 4(6): 280-286. (AZERBAIJAN). DOI:10.7813/2072-4124.2012/4- 6/A.39. ISSN 2075-4124.

(vii)      Awodiran, M.O., Awopetu, J.I. and Akintoye, M.A. (2012): Cytogenetic study of four species of land snails of the family Achatinidae in South-western Nigeria.   Ife Journal of Science 14 (2):233-235. (NIGERIA). ISSN 0794-4896.

(viii)     Oyebola, O.O., Omitoyin, B.O., Salako, A.E., Ajani, E.K. and Awodiran, M.O.  (2013): Genetic and biochemical differentiation of pectoral spine variants in Clarias gariepinus. International Journal of Modern Biological Research 1:8-14. (UNITED KINGDOM).

(ix)      Awodiran, M.O., Awopetu, J.I. Odekanyin, O.O. and Ogunbosoye, D.O. (2013): An electrophoretic study of protein diversity in five species of land snails (Achatinidae) from Nigeria. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 7 (1):86-95. (CAMEROON). ISSN 1991-8631.

(x)        Oyebola, O.O., Omitoyin, B.O., Salako, A.E., Ajani, E.K. and Awodiran, M.O. (2013): Genetic differentiation and inheritance of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers in pectoral spine phenotypic sub-groups of Clarias gariepinusAfrican Journal of Biotechnology 12 (37): 5567-5576. (USA). DOI:10.5897/AJ3.16. ISSN 1684-5315.

(xi)        Awodiran, M.O., Majolagbe, F.A., Komolafe, O.O., Adewumi, .A.A., Oyebola, O.O., and Oyewole, R.O. (2014): Cytogenetic study and serum protein characterization of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) and Heterobranchus bidorsalis (Geoffrroy Saint-Hillaire, 1809) in South-western Nigeria. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 8(6):2377-2386. (CAMEROON). ISSN 1991-8631.

(xii)       Agbebi, O.T., Sofela, S.O., Adebambo, A.O. and Awodiran, M.O. (2014): Evaluation of Protein Fractions of Indigenous Clariid Fish Species (Clarias gariepinus and Heterobranchus bidorsalis) and their Reciprocal Hybrids.  Biotechnology 13 (6): 289-294. (PAKISTAN). DOI:10.3923/biotech2014.289.294. ISSN 1682-296X.

(xiii)      Oyebola, O.O., Kajopaye, A.K., and Awodiran, M.O. (2015): Genetic and biochemical basis of growth variation in bred Clarias gariepinus (Burchell,1822). Academic Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Research 3(6): 111-120. (NIGERIA). DOI:  10.14662/ARJASR2015.018. ISSN 23-7874.

(xiv)      Oyebola, O.O., and Awodiran, M.O. (2015): Effect of spawning methods on fertilization, hatchability and fry size variation in Clarias gariepinus.  Ife Journal of Science 17 (2): 305-311. (NIGERIA). ISSN 0794-4896.

(xv)       Afolayan, C.O. and Awodiran, M.O. (2015) Genetic differentiation of Archachatina marginata populations from three vegetation zones using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Polymerase Chain Reaction. Notulae Scientia Biologica 7(3):372-381. (ROMANIA). DOI: 10.15835/nsb.7.3.9601. ISSN 2067-3205.

(xvi)      Oladimeji, T.E. Awodiran, M.O. and Komolafe O.O. (2015). Genetic differentiation studies among natural populations of Tilapia zillii. Notulae Scientia Biologica 7(4):423-429. (ROMANIA).  DOI: 10.15835/nsb.7.4.9649. ISSN 2067-3205.

(xvii)     Akinwande, A.A., Awodiran, M.O., Oyebamiji, F.E and Yusuf, Y.O. (2015) Genetic variations in non-specific immune response to experimentally induced infection with Aeromonas hydrophilia in strains of the giant African Clariid catfish; Heterobranchus bidorsalis. Journal of Agricultural Research and Development 14(2):56-65. ISSN1596-5511. (NIGERIA).

(xviii)    Awodiran, M.O., Arthur, M. C., and Awopetu, J.I. (2015). Molecular Phylogeny of three species of land snails (Stylommatophora and Achatinidae), Archachatina marginata (Swainson, 1821), Achatina achatina (Linnaeus, 1758) and Achatina fulica (Bowdich, 1822) in some Southern states and North-Central states in Nigeria.  Annals of West University of Timisoara, ser. Biology 18 (2): 95-106. (ROMANIA).  ISSN on-line: 2285-7044.

(xix)      Awodiran, M.O. (2016). Morphometric and electrophoretic separation of four populations of Archachatina marginata in Nigeria. Environtropica 12 &13:35-45. (NIGERIA). ISSN 1597- 815X.

(xx)       Awodiran, M.O., Igbokwe, J.O., Akintoye, M. A. and Olayemi A. O.  (2016).      Cytogenetic study of three species of rodents from Ile-Ife South-Western Nigeria.  Environtropica 12&13:46-52. (NIGERIA). ISSN 1597- 815X.

(xxi)      Igbokwe, J.O., Awodiran, M.O., Oladejo, O. S. Olayemi, A. O. and Awopetu, J.I. (2016).  Chromosomal analysis of small mammals from Southwestern Nigeria. Mammal Research 61 (2): 153-159. (POLAND) (DOI)10.1007/s13364- 015-0254- 9.

(xxii)     Awodiran, M.O. and Ogunjobi, Z. O. (2016): Genetic diversity in two populations of Limicolaria aurora (Jay, 1839) from two ecological zones in Nigeria. African Journal of Biotechnology 15 (25): 1306-1314. (USA). DOI: 10.5897/AJB2015.15154.  ISSN 16845315.

(xxiii)    Awodiran, M.O., Fajana H.O. and Yusuf A.O.  (2016). Chromosomal and ecological        studies of freshwater crabs, Sudanonautes aubryi (H. Milne-Edward, 1853) (Brachyura: Potamonautidae) from Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Zoology and Ecology 26(4):295-300. (LITHUANIA). DOI:10.1080/21658005.2016.1211680.

(xxiv)    Awodiran, M.O., Oladimeji, T.O. and Komolafe, O.O. (2016). Genetic diversity studies in Toxicant Stressed Populations of Tilapia zillii in three Nigerian Reservoirs. Nature and Science 14(8): 54-60. (USA). doi:10.7537/marsnsj14081609.

*(xxv)      Ola-Oladimeji, F.A., Awodiran, M.O., Omotayo Fagbuaro, Adetola Akomolafe (2016). Morphological Characterization of wild and cultured Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822) Using Principal Component and Cluster Analyses. Notulae Scientia Biologicae 8 (4): 428-436. (ROMANIA). DOI: 10.15835/nsb. 8.4.9852.

*(xxvi)     Ogbuebunu K.E., Awodiran M.O. (2017). Molecular Characterization of Latesniloticus (Perciformes, Latidae) populations from Three Nigerian waterbodies using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA and microsatellite markers. Vestnik zoologii 51 (1): 31-36. UKRAINE. DOI: 10.1515/vzoo-2017-0005.

*(xxvii)     Akinwande A.A., Awodiran, M.O. and M.Y. Diyaware (2017). Selection Response and heritability estimate for growth in the African giant catfish (Heterobranchus bidorsalis Geoffroy Saint-Hillaire, 1809). Trakia Journal of Sciences 15 (1): 60-66.(BULGARIA). DOI: 10.1554/TJS.2017.01.010.

*(xxviii) Salman, M. M., Aladesanmi, T.O., and Awodiran, M.O. (2017). Cytotoxic and Haematotoxic Responses in African catfish Clarias gariepinus following a sub lethal exposure to gradient concentrations of Glyphosphate. International Journal of Environmental Science and Toxicology Research 5(1): 1-9. (NIGERIA).

*(xxix) Awodiran, M.O. Adepiti, O.A.  and Akinwumi, K. F. (2017) Assessment of Cytotoxicity and Genotoxicity properties of Uvaria chamae P Beauv (Annonaceae) and Morinda lucida Benth (Rubiaceae) in mice. Drug and Chemical Toxicology. 41(2): 232-237. (USA). DOI:10.1080/01480545.2017.1365884

*(xxx) Komolafe, O.O., Obayemi, O.E., Awodiran, M.O. and Oladimeji, T.E. (2017). Histopathological studies of selected organs of Sarotherodon galilaeus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Igun gold mining reservoir and Opa freshwater reservoir, south western, Nigeria. International Journal of Fauna and Biological Studies 4(6):48-54. (INDIA)

*(xxxi) Obembe, M. T., Awopetu J.I., and Awodiran, M.O. (2018). A simple key for identifying the sibling species of malaria vector Anopheles gambiae (Giles) complex by polytene chromosome cytogenetics. Notulae Scientia Biologicae 10 (1): 97-101. (ROMANIA). DOI: 10.15835/nsb10110182.

*(xxxii) Awodiran, M.O. and Afolabi O. (2018). Genetic diversity in cultured and wild population of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) in Nigeria using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and Microsatellite DNA. Fisheries and         Aquaculture Journal 9 (2):1-6. (USA). DOI: 10.4172/2150-3508.1000247.

*(xxxiii) Amoo, T.O., Komolafe, O.O. and Awodiran, M.O. (2018). Food habits and diet Relationships in the Redbelly Tilapia (Tilapia zilli) and Gunther’s mouthbrooder (Chromidotilepia guntheri) from an abandoned gold mine reservoir, Southwestern Nigeria.  Notulae Scientia Biologicae 10 (2): 148-155. (ROMANIA). DOI: 10.25835/nsb102102254.

*(xxxiv) Awodiran, M.O., Oladimeji, T.E., Bamidele, A.O. and Akintoye, M.A. (2019). Chromosomal Studies of African Pigmy Hedgehog, Atelerix Albiventris (Wagner, 841). Environtropica 15:71-78. (NIGERIA)

*(xxxv) Igbokwe, J., Violaine, N., Oyeyiola, A., Obadare, A., Adesina, A.S., Awodiran,

              M.O., Houtte, N.V., Fichet-Calvet, E., Verheyen, E., and Olayemi, A. (2019): Molecular Taxonomy of Crocidura species (Eupolytyphla: Soricidae) in a Key Biogeographical Region for African Shrews, Nigeria. Comptes Rendus Biologies  342:108-117. (FRANCE).

*(xxxvi) Awodiran, M.  O., Adeniran, F.O., Akinwale, R.O., Akinwande, A. A. (2019): Microsatellite variability of two populations of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell,1822) in Nigeria. Vestnik Zoologii.53(3): 553-566. (UKRAINE)


Edited and Refereed Conference Proceedings:

(xxxvii) Majolagbe F.A., Awodiran M.O., Olaniyi W.A., Awopetu J.I. and Omitogun O.G. (2010): Fitness and cytogenetic studies of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) and Heterobranchus bidorsalis (Geoffrroy Saint-Hillaire, 1809) and their reciprocal hybrids. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the Genetics Society of Nigeria, Ibadan, Nigeria. 19th-24th, September, 2010 (Ed. V.A. Chikaleke; O.A. Adetula and S.A. Olakojo) pp 321-325. (NIGERIA).

(xxxviii)  Adewumi. A.A., Awodiran M.O., Obuotor E.M. and Olaleye V.F. (2010): Stress, neuro-endocrine cascade and fish broodstock quality. Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference of Fisheries Society of Nigeria, Lagos, Nigeria. 25th-29th October, 2010 (Ed. E.J. Ansa; H.A. Fashina-Bombata and P.E. dimele) pp 103-108. (NIGERIA).

Articles Accepted for Publication: Nil.

Manuscript Submitted for Publication (Format as in 4: separate numbering):

(i)    Awodiran, M.O., and Abiodun, O.E. Genetic diversity in four populations of Limicolaria flammea (Muller, 1771) from two vegetation zones in Nigeria using microsatellite DNA analysis. Tropical Zoology, South Africa.

  (ii)    Awodiran, M.  O., Oladimeji, T. E., Bamidele, A. O. and Akintoye, M. A. (2018). Chromosomal Studies of the African Pygmy Hedgehog, Atelerix albiventris (Wagner, 1841). Environtropica, Nigeria.

Creative Work (Arts, Exhibition, and Play production where applicable): Nil

Technical Reports: Nil

* Papers published after the last promotion

Papers and Works in Progress:

(i)      Comparative morphological studies and genetic differentiation of specimens of Toxocara canis from Ile-Ife, Aramoko Ekiti and Ondo Town, Southwest Nigeria.

(ii)       Genetic Differentiation between cultured and wild Clarias gariepinus species collected from Chi Farm, Ajanla and Asejire Reservoir, Oyo state, Nigeria.

Professional Accomplishment:

            My professional accomplishment is in the area of submission of gene sequences to Genbank and this includes the following:

  1. Submission of 8 partial mitochondrial cytochrome b (cytb) gene sequences of the following small mammals: Lophuromys sikapusi, Rattus rattus, Mus minuitodes, Mastomys erythrolecus, Praomys daltoni, Diasmys sp., Crocidura olivieri with ascension numbers KT232249 – KT232251.
  2. Submission of 43 partial mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1(CO1) gene sequences of the following snails: Archachatina marginata, Achatina achatina, Achatina fulica with ascension numbers KT290283- KT290319.

These sequences since they are deposited in Genbank are universally available for various uses for geneticists, taxonomists and evolutionary biologists.