OLALEYE, Victor Folorunso

OLALEYE, Victor Folorunso



  1. Theses/Dissertation:
  2. Trophic interrelationship among fish species inhabiting the University of Ife Agriculture Farm Pond. B.Sc. Thesis, University of Ife, 47pp. (1980)


  1. Proximate analysis of the muscle of Sarotherodon galilaeus (Trewavas) (Syn. Tilapia galilaea Artedi) from the Opa reservoir.  M.Sc. Thesis, University of Ife, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, 117pp. (1985).


iii.        The effects of different protein quality on growth and body composition of Sarotherodon galilaeus (Trewavas) (Syn Tilapia galilaea Artedi) fed on formulated diets.  Ph.D. Thesis, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, 215pp. (1991).


  1. Field administration systems in the Ministry of Health, Oyo State, Nigeria. M.P.A. Thesis, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, 62pp. (1998).
  2. Books/Monographs (List in this order with dates, page, reference and publisher):
    • Authored:                         Nil
    • Edited:                                   Nil
    • Contributions to Books: Nil

3(a)      Published Articles (For each article, please indicate as follows in chronological order with the oldest ones coming first Name(s) of author(s), year of publication, title of article, journal, volume, pages. For joint publications, names of authors should appear in the order in which they are listed in publications):


  • Olaleye, V.F. and Akintunde, E.A. (1992). Types and chemical composition of Sarotherodon galilaeus (Trewavas) muscle fibres in Opa reservoir, Nigeria.  Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Technology (Nigeria), 2(2): 142 – 146.


  • Olaleye, V.F.; Akintunde, E.A. and Akinyemiju, O.A. (1993). Effect of a herbicidal control of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes M & S) on fish composition and abundance in the Kofawei Creek, Ondo State, Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Management, U.K. 38(2): 85 – 97.


  • Olaleye, V.F. and Akinyemiju, O.A. (1996). Effect of a glyphosate (N-(Phosphonomethyl) glycine) application to control Eichhornia crassipes on fish composition and abundance in Abiala Creek, Niger Delta, Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Management, U.K. 47(2): 115 – 122.


  • Olaleye, V.F. and O.A. Akinyemiju (1999). Flora and fauna of Abiala Creek, Nigeria.  Journal of Aquatic Sciences (Nigeria), 14: 61 – 65.


(v)        Akinyemiju, O.A. and Olaleye V.F. (1999).  Studies on the efficacy of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms – Laub.) as a sewage nutrient removal. Nigerian Journal of Weed Science (Nigeria). 12: 69-72.


(vi)       Olaleye, V.F. and Akinyemiju, O.A. (2002).  Planktonic community regeneration in a post-herbicidal water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes Mart) treated environment. Journal of Aquatic Sciences (Nigeria).  17(1): 21-26.


(vii)      Olaleye, V.F. (2002).  Water quality changes in a post-herbicide treated water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solm-Laub.) infested aquatic environment. Journal of Aquatic Sciences (Nigeria). 17(2): 140-144.


(viii)     Olaleye, V.F. and Adedeji, A.A. (2005). Water and planktonic quality of a palm oil effluent impacted river in Ondo State Nigeria. International Journal of Zoological Research (Pakistan) 1(1): 15-20.


(ix)       Olaleye, V.F. (2005): A review of reproduction and gamete management in the African Catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell). Ife Journal of Science (Nigeria). 7(1): 63-70.

(x)        Olaleye, V.F. (2005). Ichthyofaunal survey of rivers within Ewekoro cement manufacturing operational areas. Biodiversity and Conservation (Netherlands) 14(9): 2171-2184.



(xi)       Adewumi, A.A., V.F. Olaleye and E.A. Adesulu (2005).  Egg and sperm quality of the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell) broodstock fed differently heated soybean-based diets. Research Journal of Biological Sciences. (Pakistan) 1(1): 17-22.


(xii)      Olaleye, V.F. (2005). A review of biotic environmental factors militating against successful African catfish (Clarias gariepinus Burchell) larviculture in Nigeria.  Environtropica (Nigeria) 3(1,2): 109-122


*(xiii)   Abeni, A. Adewumi, Victor. F. Olaleye and Esther A. Adesulu (2006).  Swim-up fry production in the African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell) broodstocks fed with differently heated soybean-based diets. Aquaculture Research (Netherlands) 37: 543-549.


*(xiv)   G.O. Adesina, O.A. Akinyemiju and V.F. Olaleye (2007).  Assessment of aquatic vegetation invasion of Jebba Lake, Nigeria. African Journal of Ecology (Uganda), 45: 365-373.


*(xv)    Popoola M.O., V.F. Olaleye and M.O. Awodiran (2008). Comparative Studies of the genome of Clarias gariepinus, Heterobranchus bidorsalis and their hybrids using hydroxypatite chromatography. Ife Journal of Science (Nigeria), 10(1): 77-83.


*(xvi)   Olaleye, V.F., Adewumi, A.A., Adedeji, A.A. and Ogbogu, S.S. (2009). Effects of soy-based allochthonous nutrient inputs on intensively cultured female Clarias gariepinus Burchell brooder’s growth performance and on the in-dwelling microplanktonic populations. African Journal of Biotechnology (U.S.A.), 13 (2): 050-058.


(xvii)    Adewole, H.A. and Olaleye, V.F. (2014). Growth performance and feed utilization in Clarias gariepinus Burchell fingerlings fed blood meal – bovine rumen digesta blend diets Ife Journal of Science 16(3):495-503


(xviii) Adewole, H.A. and Olaleye, V.F. (2014). Heamatological profiles of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings fed graded levels of blood meal – bovine rumen digesta blend diets. FUTA Journal of Research in Science 2014(2):236-245


(xix)    Adewumi, A.A., Adewole, H.A. and Olaleye, V.F. (2014). Proximate and elemental composition of the fillets of some fish species in Osinmo Reservoir, Nigeria. Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America 5(3):109-117.


(xx)      Yusuf O.A. Adewole, H.A., Olaleye, V.F. (2017). Assessment of the  water quality of Saba river, Osogbo, Nigeria. Notulae Scientia Biologica 9(2):188-195


(xxi) Koseemani S.E., Adewole, H.A., Olaleye, V.F. and Yusuf, O.A. (2017). Assessment of effect of fish feeding practices on the water quality of some fish ponds in Ekiti State Fish Farm, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies 5(2):357-364


(xxii) Lawal, B.M., Adewole, H.A., Olaleye, V.F. (2017) Digestibility study and nutrient re-evaluation in Clarias gariepinus fed blood meal-rumen digesta blend diet. Notulae Scientia Biologica 9(3):344-349


(xxiii) Azeez, Y.O., Adewole, H.A., Olaleye, V.F. and Koseemani, S.E. (2017). Levels of   selected metals in the fillets of native fish species in Saba River, Osogbo, Nigeria.  International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies 5(3):27-31


(xxiv) Olofinko A.O., Adewole, H.A., Olaleye, V.F. (2017). Comparative assessment of selected heavy metal load in three tilapiine species inhabiting Osinmo  Reservoir, Southwestern, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 29(1):29-40

(xxv) Fakolujo, O.I., Adewole, H.A., Obuotor, E.M., Olaleye, V.F. (2018). Growth performance and selected biochemical indices assessment in the serum and liver of Clarias gariepinus juveniles exposed to varying concentrations of water soluble fraction of crude oil. Borneo Journal of Science and Technology 39(1):16-27


3(b)    Published Refereed Conference Proceedings (Numbering continuous with 3a format: Surname, Initials, Title. In: Proceeding …, Venue, Publisher, City, pp.)

(xxviii) Akinyemiju, O.A., Evbuomwan, F.; Olaleye, V.F.; Ologunde, T.O.; Martins, O.; Ugwuzor, G.N.; Oyewole, O.B.; Olurin, K.B. Adekoya; B.B. Usoroh, U.J. and Ogunnowo, O. (1992). Herbicidal control of water hyacinth at Ere, Ogun State; Implication for fish production.  Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of the Fisheries Society of Nigeria, FISON, Abeokuta. 16 – 20th November, 1992, pp. 178-180.


(xxix)   Olaleye, V.F. and Akinyemiju, O.A. (1998). Effects of herbicidal control of aquatic weeds on fish composition and abundance. In: Sustainable Utilisation of Aquatic/Wetland Resources.  (Eds. S.O. Otubusin, G.N.O. Ezeri, O.A. Ugwumba and A.A.A. Ugwumba) selected papers from 9th/10th Ann. Conf. Nig. Assoc. Aquatic Sci. 1995, pp. 220-228.


*(xxx)  Djeresa, J.O. and Olaleye, V.F. (2009). Levels of selected heavy metals in Synodontis membranaceous Geoffr. In Forcados River, Niger Delta, Nigeria.. African Journal of Ecology (Uganda) (Published on-line, Feb., 2009).


*(xxxi) Olaleye, V.F. and Oluyemi E.A. (2009).  Effects of cement flue dust from a Nigerian cement kiln on air, water and planktonic quality. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (Netherlands). EMAS-Online No. 1573 – 2959; Feb. 2009.


*(xxxii) Adewumi, A.A. and Olaleye, V.F. (2009).  Catfish culture in Nigeria: progress, prospects and problems. Nature (UK) http://www.articlebase.com/ nature-article-717189.html


3(d)      Other Publications:

  • Adesulu, E.A., Olaleye V.F. and Akinpelu A.I. (2001) Pisciculture: Essential Production Information (ISBN 978 – 32757-5-5) Eternal Communications Ltd, Lagos. 120pp.


  • Olaleye, V.F., Oluyemi, E.A. and Akinyemiju, O.A. (2005). Environmental disamenities produced by particulate and gaseous emissions from Ewekoro    cement kilns on some strata of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Journal of Applied Sciences, (Pakistan) 5(3): 428-436.


  • Olaleye, V.F. (2005). Elemental composition of the muscle of fish species inhabiting a palm oil effluent recipient river, Ondo State, Nigeria. European Journal of Scientific Research (Austria), 2(2): 48-58.


  • Adesina, G.O., O.A. Akinyemiju, V.F. Olaleye and J.I. Muoghalu (2005). Effects of sediment and water qualities on the distribution and abundance of aquatic macrophytes on Jebba Lake, Nigeria. European Journal of Scientific Research (Austria) 3(1): 11-19.


  • Okoro, V.F. Olaleye and J.O. Djeresa (2007). Bioaccumulation of Nikel, Copper, Mercury and cadmium in tissues and organs of Etmalosa fimbriata from the Forcados River, Niger-Delta, Nigeria. Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (Nigeria), 13: 339-346.


  1. Published Non-refereed Proceedings (Numbering and Formats as in 3b): Nil


  1. Manuscripts submitted for Publication (Format as in 4: Separate numbering):


Olaleye V.F. Composition, abundance and fillet elemental composition of fish species inhabiting River, Oluwa, Nigeria. Journal of Afrotropical Zoology Belgium (5/12/08).


Olaleye V.F. and Djeresa, J.O. Comparative levels of some heavy metals in Arius heudeloti (Ariidae) caught from Forcados River and Upstream River Niger.  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (Netherlands) (March, 2009).


  1. Creative Work: Nil

7(a).     Technical Reports (Arts exhibition, play production etc) where applicable:


  • Contributor to: Herbicidal control of water hyacinth at Itoikin near Lagos. A final report (Ed. O.A. Akinyemiju).  Report by the Weed Control Research Team, submitted to Ogun-Osun River Basin Authority, Abeokuta, Ogun State, December, 1989. 67pp.


*Published after the last promotion

  • Contributor to: Herbicidal control of water hyacinth in Nigeria. A field pilot demonstration at Kowafei Creek, Igbokoda, Ondo State.  (Ed.  A. Akinyemiju and A.M.A. Imevbore).  A report by Weed Control Research Team, ECO-Development Consultancy Group, Institute of Ecology, Obafemi Awolowo University, submitted to the Presidency, Special Services, Tafawa Balewa Square, Lagos, 1991. 181pp.


  • Contributor to Baseline Ecological Studies of Abiala Creek. A report prepared for the Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited, February, 1993, by Weed Control Research Group, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, 89pp.


  • Contributor to: Herbicidal control of water hyacinth. A pilot demonstration at Ere Fishing Channel, Ogun State, Nigeria (Ed. O.A. Akinyemiju). A report submitted to Ogun State Agriculture Development Project, Abeokuta, January, 1993, 132pp.


  • Contributor to: Post Environmental Impact Assessment of the Ewekoro and Shagamu Works of the West African Portland Cement (WAPC) Plc By ABC Agricultural and Environmental Systems Ltd. November, 1998. 204pp.


  • Contributor to: Environmental Compliance Reports of Ewekoro Works, The West African Portland Cement PLC by ABC Agricultural and Environmental System Ltd., September 2000 – June 2005.


  • Contributor to: Environmental Compliance Reports of Sagamu Works, The West African Portland Cement PLC by ABC Agricultural and Environmental System Ltd., September 2000 – June 2005.


  • Contributor to: Report of Biodiversity Assessment of Osun Groves, Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria (2003).  Report by Divine Grace Consult, submitted to Osun Grove Support Group, Ibadan, Nigeria, 178pp.


  • Contributor to: Environmental Audit of the New West African Portland Cement Plant at Ewekoro (2004) Report produced by ABC Agricultural System Ltd for WAPCO-LAFARGE, Elephant House, Alausa, Ikeja, 164pp.


  • Editor, Environmental Audit Report of Sagamu Works, the West African Portland Cement Plc (2009) by ABC Agricultural System Ltd. March, 2009, 164pp. (For: WAPCO-LAFARGE, Elephant House, Alausa, Ikeja).


  • Contributor to: Environmental Compliance Reports of Sagamu Works, The WAPCO-Lafarge Cement PLC by ABC Agricultural and Environmental System Ltd., March 2015 – December 2017.
  • Contributor to: Environmental Audit Report of Lafarge Cement WAPCO Sagamu Plant the West African Portland Cement Plc (2014) by ABC

Agricultural System Ltd.  September, 2014, 237pp. (For: WAPCO-LAFARGE, Elephant House, Alausa, Ikeja).

  • Contributor to: Environmental Audit Report of Lafarge Cement WAPCO Sagamu Plant the West African Portland Cement Plc (2016) by ABC

Agricultural System Ltd.  December, 2016, 237pp. (For: WAPCO-LAFARGE, Elephant House, Alausa, Ikeja).

7(b).     Technical Report in Progress

              Environmental Audit Report of Sagamu Quarry of WAPC Plc., 2019.

 Papers and Works in Preparation:

  • Reproductive performance and histopathological analysis of the fillets, gills, and

liver of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings exposed to acute and sub-lethal level of industrial soap effluent.

  • Reproductive performance and histopathological analysis of the fillets, gills, and

liver of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings exposed to water soluble fraction of crude oil